This song by Keshari Lal Yadav blew up on Youtube,seeing the style,you will aslo say great
Every song by Bhojpuri cinema superstar Khesari Lal Yadav makes his fans to dance. Youtube has once again made a splash .In this songs,Khesari Lal is talking about his broken dream. Khesari rockstars rocking this stage. Khesari Lal Yadav's  Bhojpuri Song 'Phoolawa sukhal Ba' is being seen on Youtube a lot and people are very fond of it, Kajal Raghwani is seen with him in this song. Like every time,this song too is creating a furore on social media.

Keshari Lal Yadav  People are liking this song'Phulwa Sukhal Ba' In this song, he is saying that the way a tree is destroyed in the fall, a wind blow and the dream is shattered. The popularity of this song can be gauged from the fact that the fans of Keshari have seen this song till date 3.72 million people . He sang this song in the year 2017.

Phulwa Sukhal Ba Tap To See-

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